224,585 poems read


Decorations of red, blue and green,
Just a part of this season's scene,
Filling stockings with cheer and delight,
Singing yuletide carols by candlelight.

Glory and joy to the world we pray,
Goodwill and harmony  for all of mankind,
Throughout endless miles of plead for peace,
To be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Home is where the heart is,
A nest we make with comfort of joy,
For all welcomed to enter and enjoy,
Offerings of sharing from me to you.

Loved ones are always held dear,
No matter how far, no matter how near,
Wrapped up with the spirit of one's cheer,
Grasped on by Angel's wings held so dear.

Mistletoes hung way up high,
For the lucky ones who may pass by,
Exchanging a most precious gift of all,
Love, a given passion from the heart of us all.

Santa's on his way carrying goodies on his sleigh,
As we hustle and bustle for perfect gifts we pray,
To give to each on our list on that special day,
Hopes to be received with admiration without dismay.

It's A Wonderful Life we watch each year,
With opened minds of what would not have been,
Tears of gladness we shed at the end,
Unique of past providing, ones to some unseen.

May All Your Days Be Merry and Bright,
As another year comes to a close,
Special memories yearning to preserve,
While new resolutions are made in hopes to keep.

Wishing you and yours precious moments to share,
Now and throughout the New Year....

Yana Petkov